The Farm

We started our farm in 1991 on family land near Blacksburg, Virginia, growing organic vegetables for our community, which we sell at the Blacksburg Farmers Market. Over the years we have added more and more medicinal herbs to the gardens, and now we grow or forage most of what I have in my apothecary.

We continue to grow, distribute, donate and sell food to our local community. Visit our farm website, and to stay up-to-date on where to find our produce, follow us on Facebook.

Our farm is grounded in permaculture, land regeneration, and social justice principles. We have a deep commitment to leverage our inherited gifts of land, resources, and social capital to shape a more just and atoned future. We understand that our land is located on traditional Tutelo and Monacan homelands and that this inheritance was at the hands of a violent past and commit to moving forward in opposition to oppressive systems.

We are continually learning and are open to this discussion and ideas of how to better manifest our ethics. Please don’t hesitate to contact me.